How To Sell Skin Care Products From Home
Want to learn how to sell skin care products from home online? Do you want to start a career in skin care? Are you a beauty influencer looking for affiliate links or brands to partner with? We have an ecommerce solution for you with no start up costs. It allows you to sell 60+ brands online. Keep reading to learn how to successfully and easily sell skincare online or from home.
But first- lets address the elephant in the room. Why not just have your own skin care line? because it is expensive and difficult and risky!
If you are considering starting your own skin care line, we will tell you why you should consider our skin care retail solution instead. It is easier to sell skin care brands that already exist because there is so much competition.
Selling skin care products from home is easy! You can change the way people shop for skin care by using our ecommerce solution that allows your contacts to shop by their Baumann Skin Type using a referral link or QR code. You earn a profit. The amount you earn depends upon which plan you choose.
Want to sell beauty products to your clients? Keep reading to learn how.
But first- lets discuss why developing your own skin care line is not a good idea.

Making Skin Care Products
It is tempting to come out with your own skin care line, or make your own skin care products; but there are things you need to know.
There are 25,000 skin care lines in the USA and only 25 manufacturers of cosmetic ingredients. It is almost impossible to make something unique because any groundbreaking new skin care technologies are licensed exclusively to the huge skin care brands, leaving nothing original for start up skin care brands.
This is why here at skin type solutions, we have a turn key ecommerce solution that allows you to instantly sell the best skincare brands from home with no start up costs.
How we choose what brands to carry?
We look for the latest and newest 2023 skin care brands, but we never believe the hype and trends. Instead we test everything ourselves with the help of our physician partners and medical provides and dermatologists that use our software system to prescribe skin care and build skin care routines.
If you choose to use our system, you will be able to use the same skin typing system to recommend skin care routines that dermatologists use.
How big skin care companies make skin care products
Big companies have money and resources. They have:
- Marketing analysts to determine market needs and market size.
- Branding specialists to write the brand story and language.
- Researcher to study if buyers like the brand language and colors and product design.
- First choice of new skin care ingredients.
- Cosmetic chemists to formulate the products.
- Scientists to study the ingredients in cell cultures.
- Researchers like myself to study the products on humans.
- Huge marketing budgets
- Ability to produce 100,000 + of each product which keeps their cost of goods lower.
The best made skin care brands can be found at this link.
It is almost impossible for you to compete with these brands. Over 50% of new skin care lines go out of business!
I have a better idea for you to get in the skin care business! Instead of coming out with your own skin care line, you can sell products from home using our online skin care retail system.
You will help others get the best skin care products by shopping by their Baumann Skin Type. Keep reading to learn how to make money selling skin care products from many brands instead of spending a lot of time, energy and money trying to compete with the cosmetic giants.
How To Start A Skin Care Business
If you want to start an online skin care store we can help. We have several options:
- For no start up costs, become an ambassador.
- To have your own white label skin care ecommerce store, you have 3 options that you can learn more about at this link.
How to Make Money Selling Skin Care Products
Our goal at Skin Type Solutions is to change the way the world shops for skincare! Our data on hundreds of thousand of dermatology patients and online skin care customers have shown us that people often buy the wrong skin care products and hurt their skin's health.
You can make money selling skin care from many brands and help people make good skin are decisions. We make you an instant expert on skin care.
All you have to do is sign up as one of our Skin Type Solutions Ambassadors. You can make a % of profits on skin care sales while helping your friends, followers, and acquaintances choose the best skin care products for their skin type.
Here is the link to make money selling skin care products online.
If you are an aesthetician, doctor, or medical provider and want to use the Skin Type Solution System (also called the Baumann Skin Typing System) in your office or you want to have your own ecommerce skin care store- we can help. Go to this link to learn how to use the Baumann Skin Types in your business, website, or retail store.
We have 3 paths to allow you to legally use our scientifically validated skin type quiz:
Best Companies to Sell For From Home
We are the best skin care company to sell for because we are an online story that carries the best skin care products. You will be able to sell all of the brands on our website.
We have different ways that you can work with our company and sell skin care from home.

Become a Skin Care Ambassador
Use the Baumann System in Your Business
Perfect for aestheticians, medical providers, dermatologist and other types of doctors.
Use the valid Skin Type Quiz for Research
Email if you are a researcher and want to license the skin type quiz for research purposes.
Here is the information about the quiz's validity.
You must license the quiz from us. We will help you design the study and make sure you have the most recent version of the skin type quiz (called the Baumann Skin type Indicator).

How to Make Your Own Skin Care Line
You will need:
- Brand idea
- Product idea
- Cosmetic chemist or license a formula
- Manufacturing company
- Packaging
- Label design
- Distribution plan including fulfilment
- Marketing manager
- Web site
- Social media
- Tons of money
The more products you make, the cheaper your individual product costs will be.
Skin care products are made in a manufacturing facility that fills the bottles and jars of the products in an assembly line.
The bottles and jars may already pre-printed before filing or the labels are placed after filling. The beautiful silk-screened labels are usually put on before filling, while stick on labels are usually applied after filling. Silk screened labels are much more expensive than the stuck on labels.
A huge vat containing the skin care formula dumps the formula into the machines. This vat may be open to air and light which can inactivate many ingredients such as retinol and ascorbic acid. This is why you should visit the manufacturing plant to make sure they are doing things properly before you hire them. There are many skin care manufacturing companies in the USA and are of varied quality. Huge skin care companied usually own their own manufacturing facilities which gives them quality control and helps them keep their cost down.
Can Skin Care Products be Individually Made to Order?
Many companies claim to offer custom skincare products but will actually use standard formulations for everyone and put them in a custom bottle or jar.
The actual formulations are not unique to you and you do not own them which make it difficult to sell your brand later to a larger skin care company.
These products usually have stick-on labels that can be applied after filing the bottled and jars. If a skin care product’s formula is made unique to you, it is usually done in a tiny lab or is hand stirred and filled in someone’s bathroom. These labs do not have the same scrutiny and oversight that larger manufacturing plants have, so there have been quality control, stability and sterility issues. For this reason, we are not fans of skin care products made in an unregulated facility or someone’s bathroom. Especially if the products are organic and do not have preservatives in them to kill any bacteria or fungi that love to grow in skin care products.
The term ‘custom skin products’ can also mean products that have been chosen based on your skin type.
For a product to be considered as custom skin care, the product should be chosen to have ingredients that are right for your skin type and not have ingredients that are wrong for your skin type. These custom skin care products should be combined with other products that increase the efficacy of the entire custom skin care regimen.
Do yourself a favor- instead of trying to make your own skin care line or use DIY products, stick with products that have gone through the extensive research and development process and been shown to really work.
Experience it for yourself so you can see why we are the best company to sell products for from home. Shop for products that match your Baumann Skin Type. It all starts with taking the skin type quiz.