Where to Learn Evidence-Based Skin Care Science?
There are so many skin care blogs and skin care product articles, how can you find the most scientific skin care articles to find out what products really work?
This is where you will find the best evidence-based research on skin care products and the best blogs on skin care written by dermatologists.
You can search our skin care library where the articles are written by dermatologists who are experts on skin care or find our cosmetic ingredient dictionary to learn the truth about skin care products and how they work.
We can also help you:
Diagnose your Baumann Skin Type
Learn about your skin type
Shop for products by your skin type
Read skin care product reviews from others with the same skin type as you
Find skin care product advice from over 100 dermatologists that use our skin type system
Get an evidence-based custom skin care routine
What is Evidence-Based Skincare?
When the term Evidence-Based Skincare is used by a scientist, it means that the skincare products have been rigorously evaluated in experimental evaluations and shown to be effective based on scientific evidence on enough people to be statistically significant. When the term evidence-based skincare routine is used, this implies that scientifically proven skincare products have been combined in a scientifically proven skincare routine.
The problem with the term “evidence-based skincare” is that it is not a legal definition and is often used incorrectly. When this term is used, think about these issues:
- A skincare product will work differently on different Baumann Skin Types®.
- Only one skincare product is tested rather than the entire skincare routine
- Only one brand of products is tested, rather than choosing the best skin care products from each brand.
Here at Skin Type Solutions, we work with other doctors and medical providers to research complete skincare routines consisting of the best medical grade skincare brands. We test these on the corresponding Baumann Skin Types. The Baumann Skin typing nomenclature and stratification of skin types make it easier to collect evidence-based data. If you have taken the skin type quiz and know your Baumann Skin Type, you can feel confident that the recommendations given to you here at Skin Type Solutions are the best science-based skincare routines for your skin type. [[ctaquiz]]
Where Is The Best Place To Learn About Skin Care Science?
If you want to find the best place to learn about skin care product science- we have some suggestions for you:
Browse our skin care library
Browse our Cosmeceutical Ingredient Dictionary and Cosmetic Ingredient Library
Watch our You tube channel where dermatologists interview cosmetic chemist and skin care brand founders
Read the bestselling book on skin care science: Baumann's Cosmetic Dermatology 3rd Edition (McGraw Hill 2022)

Where To Find The Best Skincare Research Articles?
If you want to see original skincare research, search the terms at scholar.google.com. The results will be displayed in the order of scientific merit with the best dermatology journals that have the highest impact factor displaying first. This is a good way to know that the research is legitimate. Google Scholar puts the most reputable skincare articles first. The skincare research articles that show first will have the best evidence-based research published in peer-reviewed journals if they are available. Our skincare library is written by dermatologists and is easily searchable and divided by topics. We constantly update it to keep you informed.
What Is The Impact Factor In Skincare Research Articles Important?
There is great science behind skincare products, however, there are also many false claims, inflating marketing claims, misinterpretation of science and what we call pseudoscience. How do you know when to trust scientific data on skincare?
The highest impact factor journals in dermatology are the:
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
JAMA Dermatology
British Journal of Dermatology
Dermatologic Surgery
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
These evidence-based research in these dermatology journals is high quality and can be trusted.
The impact factor is a score given to medical publications. The higher the score is- the more “impact” the journal and data have. The impact factor is used to measure the importance or rank of a medical journal by calculating how many times articles published in the medical journal are used as references in other articles. The official definition of impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. If other experts in the field are quoting an article often, it is likely that it is of good quality.
The highest impact journals in science include:
The New England Journal of Medicine
The Lancet,
Why Should You Read The Entire Publication In A Skincare Research Article And Not Only The Abstract?
Read more than just the abstract if you want to understand the skincare research article. The research findings that the author wants you to see are always in the abstract. It is the section most reviewed by readers because it is freely available on Google Scholar and PubMed. In many cases, you must pay a fee to see the entire article. It is worth paying the fee because statements in the abstracts can be intentionally misleading. You will usually not see this trick being played in a high-impact journal, but lower quality cosmeceutical research publications do this often- especially the antiaging peptide research articles. It is always necessary to read the entire study and not accept the statements made in the abstract.
Who Is The Best Source Of Evidence-Based Skincare Tips?
Dermatologists spend over 14 years in training. They specialize in skin science and can understand complicated skincare research articles. Here at Skin Type Solutions, we work with dermatologists to provide the best medical advice on skincare. It all starts with knowing your Baumann Skin Type. Once you know your skin type, evidence-based skin care tips will be given to you. Follow us on social media @SkinTypeSolutions to stay up to date on the latest skincare science. Join our Skin Type Talks with Dermatologists on YouTube to discuss your skin type or learn more about the evidence based research on skin care products as we interview the scientists.