
治疗红斑痤疮的最佳防晒霜:舒缓 SPF

购买对红斑痤疮安全的 SPF 吗?我们为您服务! 我们精心策划的红斑痤疮安全防晒霜系列由著名皮肤科医生 Leslie Baumann 博士精心挑选。作为一名红斑痤疮患者,鲍曼博士了解保护敏感、易患红斑痤疮的皮肤免受太阳有害射线的独特挑战。她精心挑选了该系列中的每件产品,以确保您可以保护您的皮肤,而不会引发皮疹或刺激。




无论您喜欢轻盈、不油腻的乳液、有色霜还是方便的棒状形式,我们的红斑痤疮安全防晒霜系列总有一款产品可以满足您的个人需求和偏好。每款防晒霜都经过 Baumann 博士的仔细评估,以确保其符合针对红斑痤疮皮肤的功效、安全性和耐受性的最高标准。


Pavise Dynamic Age Defense SPF 30


Pavise Dynamic Age Defense SPF 30

$128.00 - $148.00

EltaMD UV Pure Broad-Spectrum SPF 47


EltaMD UV Pure Broad-Spectrum SPF 47


Colorescience All Calm Clinical Redness Corrector SPF 50


Colorescience All Calm Clinical Redness Corrector SPF 50


Jane Iredale Glow Time Pro™ BB Cream SPF 25

Jane Iredale

Jane Iredale Glow Time Pro™ BB Cream SPF 25


Colorescience Calming Primer SPF 20


Colorescience Calming Primer SPF 20


Chemical Sunscreens: Potential Irritants for Rosacea-Prone Skin

When shopping for a rosacea-safe sunscreen, it's essential to be aware of certain chemical UV filters that may irritate sensitive skin. Avobenzone and methoxycinnamate are two common chemical sunscreen ingredients that have been known to cause stinging, burning, or irritation in individuals with rosacea. These ingredients work by absorbing UV radiation and converting it into heat, which can be particularly problematic for rosacea-prone skin that is already prone to inflammation and flushing. Other chemical sunscreen ingredients, such as octinoxate, octocrylene, and oxybenzone, may also cause similar irritation in sensitive skin types. To minimize the risk of triggering rosacea flare-ups or discomfort, it's generally recommended to opt for mineral-based sunscreens that use zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as the active ingredients. These physical UV blockers sit on top of the skin and reflect the sun's rays, rather than absorbing them, making them less likely to cause irritation in rosacea-prone skin. When selecting a sunscreen from our rosacea-safe collection, you can feel confident that each product has been carefully evaluated by Dr. Leslie Baumann to ensure that it is free from potentially irritating chemical sunscreen ingredients, providing you with gentle, effective sun protection that respects your skin's delicate balance.

Soothing Ingredients in Rosacea-Safe Sunscreens

When selecting a sunscreen for rosacea-prone skin, it's not only important to choose a product with gentle, non-irritating UV filters but also to look for formulas that contain soothing ingredients. These ingredients can help calm and comfort sensitive skin, reducing the risk of irritation or flare-ups. Pycnogenol, a potent antioxidant derived from French maritime pine bark, has been shown to improve the appearance of redness and inflammation associated with rosacea. Green tea extract is another powerful antioxidant that can help protect the skin from free radical damage while providing anti-inflammatory benefits. Caffeine, when applied topically, can help constrict blood vessels, reducing the appearance of redness and flushing. Bisabolol, a chamomile-derived ingredient, is known for its calming and soothing properties, making it an excellent addition to rosacea-safe sunscreens. Silymarin, a flavonoid compound found in milk thistle, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, helping to protect and soothe sensitive skin. Niacinamide, a form of vitamin B3, is another beneficial ingredient that can help improve the skin's barrier function, reduce inflammation, and even out skin tone. When shopping for a rosacea-safe sunscreen from our collection, keep an eye out for these soothing ingredients, as they can provide additional comfort and protection for your sensitive skin, allowing you to enjoy the sun with confidence.
