
NuFACE NuBODY Toning and Firming Kit

$399.00 Oferta Salvar
NuFACE NuBODY Toning and Firming Kit NuFace Shop Skin Type Solutions
NuFACE NuBODY Toning and Firming Kit NuFace Shop Skin Type Solutions

NuFACE NuBODY Toning and Firming Kit

$399.00 Oferta Salvar

O Kit Tonificante e Firmador NuBODY é um dispositivo tonificante de pele com microcorrentes que ajuda visivelmente a tonificar e firmar a pele do corpo, ao mesmo tempo que suaviza a aparência de covinhas nos braços, nádegas, abdômen e coxas. O NuBODY ajuda a tonificar, firmar e suavizar visivelmente a aparência das covinhas para uma silhueta suave. O kit tonificante e reafirmante NuBODY inclui: Dispositivo tonificante de pele NuBODY1 Ativador de gel aquático hidratante 10 fl. oz.Manual do usuário e guia de início rápido Adaptador de alimentação

Please refer to indvidual products for ingredients.

If you want to be sure that this product is right for you, make sure that you know your Baumann Skin Type®. You can take the quiz here.

You can find the approved Baumann Skin Types for this product above.

  • Paraben-Free
  • Oxybenzone-Free
This product is approved for the following Baumann Skin Types:

This product is recommended for the following Sensitivities:

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