


El retinol, una forma de vitamina A, ha sido anunciado durante mucho tiempo como un ingrediente héroe, que ofrece una gran variedad de beneficios que transforman la piel a nivel celular. El retinol tiene muchos beneficios antienvejecimiento, incluido ayudar a estimular la producción de colágeno, atenuar la hiperpigmentación y suavizar la piel áspera, refinar los poros y mejorar la humedad. Descubre qué Retinol es mejor para tu tipo de piel. ¡Responda el Cuestionario sobre tipo de piel de Baumann hoy!

Which Retinol to Start With?

If you have not used retinol before, begin with a low strength one like a 2X or a 0.25. Follow the directions in our How to Use Retinoids Blog.

The best way to find the best retinol for your skin type is to take our skin type quiz. Once we identify your skin type, we will give you a list of recommended low strength retinols that are right for you.

Which Skincare Brands Make the Best Retinol?

Many brands of retinol do not have much retinol in them or are manufactured and packaged incorrectly so they are not very potent. Brands that do retinol correctly are:



Derma Made


Jan Marini

La Roche Posay

MD SolarSciences



PCA Skin







Is Retinol Better with Bakuchiol?

Studies have shown that bakuchiol can help retinol work better. All retinols will work best in a skincare routine that has been customized for your skin type because other products in the routine affect how well retinol works.  

What Age to Begin Retinol?

When to begin retinol does not depend on how old or young you are- it depends on which Baumann Skin Type you are. Take the quiz to find out if it is time for you to begin using retinol.