

Should I Cleanse My Face in the Morning?

A common question I am often asked in my dermatology practice is, “Do I need to wash my face in the morning?” This is a great question, and the answer is that it depends on your skin type. Oily skin types (any Baumann Skin Type beginning with an “O”) should always cleanse in the morning to get rid of excess sebum, or oil. For dry skin types (any Baumann Skin Type beginning with a “D”), cleansing in the morning is optional. In this guide, I’ll go into more detail about when and how to best cleanse your face in the morning and how to know if you should keep this step in your morning routine or skip it.

Before we dive in, however, make sure you know your skin type so you know which advice to follow.

Oily types should always cleanse their skin in the morning.

Dry types can skip their morning cleanse if it worsens redness or irritation.

All skin types should cleanse in the evening before bed.

Oily skin types

Oily Skin Types

If you have oily skin, you should wash your face every morning. This is because oily skin tends to overproduce sebum, especially overnight, leaving an excess layer of oil on your face by the time you wake up. Skipping your morning cleanse allows this oil to build up, which can lead to clogged pores, breakouts and a “shiny” appearance to the skin, even under makeup. 

This sebum build up will also form a protective film on your skin that will prevent your morning serums and creams from absorbing if it is not washed off.

Oily skin types should use a face wash that will help to reduce the amount of oil on the skin and not add to the problem. Foaming cleansers, for example, can work well to reduce oil, while a creamy or oil-based cleanser can have the opposite effect and make oily skin even more oily.

Dry skin types

Dry Skin Types

For dry skin types, washing your face in the morning is optional. Many of my patients with dry or sensitive skin find that morning cleansing can leave their skin feeling tight or flaky. This is especially true for those with rosacea or other inflammatory skin conditions that cause facial redness. If this is the case for you, it is okay to skip this step in the morning if your morning cleanse typically makes your skin feel overly dry or uncomfortable.

Sometimes, reducing how often you wash your face in the morning can help to preserve your skin’s natural oils, which are essential for keeping it hydrated. Instead of skipping your morning face wash every day, you can try only washing your face in the morning a few times per week to see if that helps with dryness, redness, or flaking. 

Benefits of Not Washing Your Face in the Morning

The benefits of not washing your face in the morning apply to dry skin types:

  • Less face flushing if you have rosacea. Some people with rosacea or other sensitive skin types notice an improvement in facial redness when they skip their morning face wash.
  • Saves time. For most people with dry skin, cleansing in the morning is unnecessary, so you can skip this step to save time. 
Downside to not washing your face in the morning

Downside to Not Washing Your Face in the Morning

The main downside to not washing your face in the morning if you have dry skin is that if you do not remove the evening products from your skin, they can interact with your morning routine. In some cases, the leftover overnight products can slow the absorption of your morning products by coating the skin, decreasing their efficacy.

Also, there are many benefits that cleansers bring to the morning routine that prep the skin for the products that follow such as:

  • changing skin pH
  • loosening attachments between cells to promote desquamation
  • depositing lipids on the skin
  • removing evening products from skin

If you notice that your morning skincare products are no longer working as well as they used to when you skip your morning cleanse, talk to your dermatologist to create a personalized cleansing plan that will work for your skin without interfering with the effectiveness of other products.

What’s the Best Cleanser to Use in the Morning?

I often recommend using a different cleanser in the morning and in the evening. This is because your skin’s needs in the morning and evening can be very different, so your cleanser may need to change depending on the other products in your morning and evening skincare routines. For this reason, it is essential that you know which of the 16 skin types you are so you can choose the right cleansers if you are going to wash your face twice per day.

Morning Cleansers for Oily Skin

Generally speaking, oily skin types should look for a morning cleanser that will prep their skin for the day ahead. If you use a vitamin C serum, for example, use a morning cleanser with a low pH to increase the effectiveness of the serum.

Some great examples of low-pH cleansers for oily skin include:

Morning Cleansers for Dry Skin

If you have dry skin and choose to wash your face in the morning, look for a cleanser that contains anti-inflammatory ingredients to help reduce redness and irritation.

Some skin-soothing cleansers great for dry skin include:

Bottom Line

For oily skin types (Baumann Skin Types beginning with "O"), cleansing your face in the morning is necessary to control oil production and prevent breakouts. However, for dry skin types, particularly those with dry, sensitive skin (Baumann Skin Types starting with "DS"), skipping the morning cleanse can be a good option if you struggle with redness, itching, or flaking.

No matter your skin type, it is important to wash your face at least once a day – preferably in the evening – to remove makeup, dirt, and irritants before bed.

Not sure what your skin type is? Click the button below to take the quick quiz to find out and start tailoring your skincare regimen for optimal results.

Can I wash my face with just water?

Yes you can, but if you are skipping a morning cleanser because you have dry, sensitive skin that is prone to irritation or flaking, it is very important that you do not use hot water on your face, as this can worsen redness and irritation. Use lukewarm water or micellar water instead.

Should I cleanse my face in the morning if I have acne?

It depends. Oily skin types with acne should always wash their face in the morning. Dry types with acne may be able to skip this step if cleansing in the morning creates dryness and irritation.

Should I wash my face at night?

Yes, all skin types should wash their face at least once per day in the evening to remove sunscreen, makeup, dirt, or oil that has built up on your skin during the day.

Best References and Scientific Publications on

  1. Baumann L. Antiaging Ingredients in Ch. 37 of Baumann's Cosmetic Dermatology Ed 3. (McGraw Hill 2022)
  2. Baumann, L. Ch. Cosmeceuticals and cosmetic Ingredients (McGraw Hill 2015)
  3. Draelos, Z. D. (2010). The science behind skin care: Cleansing the face. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 9 (1), 27-34.
  4. Draelos, Z. D. (2011). The effect of a facial cleanser and moisturizer on the skin barrier of subjects with acne. Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, 4 (9), 33-39.
  5. Levin, J., & Miller, R. (2011). A guide to the ingredients and potential benefits of over-the-counter cleansers and moisturizers for rosacea patients. Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, 4 (8), 31-49.

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