
NuFACE Trinity+ Effective Lip & Eye Attachment

$160.00 Oferta Salvar
NuFACE Trinity+ Effective Lip & Eye Attachment NuFace Shop Skin Type Solutions
NuFACE Trinity+ Effective Lip & Eye Attachment NuFace Shop Skin Type Solutions

NuFACE Trinity+ Effective Lip & Eye Attachment

$160.00 Oferta Salvar

Imite o que os profissionais usam na sala de tratamento com este acessório de varinha dupla aprovado pela FDA para o seu dispositivo TRINITY +, que ajuda a levantar as sobrancelhas e as dobras nasolabiais e a apertar e contornar a pele ao redor dos olhos, boca e 11 em apenas alguns minutos.

Key Ingredients

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If you want to be sure that this product is right for you, make sure that you know your Baumann Skin Type®. You can take the quiz here.

You can find the approved Baumann Skin Types for this product above.

This product is approved for the following Baumann Skin Types:

This product is recommended for the following Sensitivities: